Frequently Asked Questions

Where can I find microplastics?

Microplastics are everywhere. If we can’t see it with our eyes it doesn’t mean that microplastic doesn’t exist. It is present in soil, water, air and even in the human organism. The daily use of plastic mass is one of the biggest polluters of the environment.

Can I contribute to the project and to environmental protection?

Yes. Everyone can help. Don’t use plastic bags, plastic bottles, less products packed in plastic etc.

Why should I contact you?

The topic of the project affects all participant groups (companies, NGO’s, policy makers, individuals). Companies can use the results of the project, individuals can learn about microplastic pollution and preventions, other projects (project leaders) can cooperate, farmers can solve their problems and cooperate with companies, institutions and universities, scientists can work on several topics and scientific papers, multiple stakeholders can participate in workshops, courses etc.

What are GREENLand concrete steps?

 Education of staff for research of microplastics in soil, water, and microorganisms, as well as networking with the excellent institutions and stakeholders who are interested in the results of scientific research. Website page Newsroom can inform you about details.