BEAMING Clustering Event

As part of the BEAMING project, funded by the Horizon Europe Programme, a workshop on connection and synergy between projects was organized to share knowledge, ideas, and best practices in bioeconomy research.

Location: Esztergom, Hungary, Grand Hotel – Conference Hall

The event aimed to bring together representatives of Horizon Europe and other projects, research organizations, and industry actors to discuss the results achieved so far, the challenges they face, and opportunities for future cooperation.

The project coordinator presented the areas planned for funding and project applications in the coming period, giving space for thinking and creating new project proposals.

Dr. Gordana Racic presented the GREENLand project, highlighting its primary objectives, achieved outcomes, and future plans.

She emphasized Edukons University’s development in microplastics and the arrangement of a laboratory for the analysis of microplastics in soil, water, and sediment. She emphasized the importance and outcomes of the Office for Projects and the Office for Technology Transfer’s work.

The event Agenda can be found on the following link, here.