The Workshop on Financial implementation of the EU-funded R&I projects

Teacher: Marija Šola Spasić
Date: 29th of may, 2024.

Within the European Union project Horizon Europe GREENLand – Twinning Microplastic-free Environment according to the grant contract number 101079267, on 29. May 2024 TRAINING FOR THE PURPOSE OF CAPACITY BUILDING OF EDUCONS UNIVERSITY was held – Workshop for financial implementation of the EU-funded R&I projects where the lecturer Marija Šola Spasić, master engineer of management, project manager at University of Belgrade – School of electrical engineering.

The topic of the workshop included financial and project management of EU-funded research and innovation projects, the difference between EU financial vs. national legislation, Lump Sum basic rules, financial reporting, controls, and audits in Horizon Europe projects.

The training session ended with a discussion and Q&A session.

A recording of the workshop and working material is available to Educons University researchers on Google Classroom.

The Agenda is available here.