Research visit to University of Galway

During the last week of April 2024 researchers from Educons University, Prof. dr Mira Pucarević, Prof. dr Nataša Stojić, Asst. Prof. dr Ljiljana Ćurčić and Asst. Galina Ćurčić, visited their GREENLand project partners at Galway University, Ireland, where they attended another training programme.

This time the training was focused on instrumental methods used in microplastic analyses, especially on Raman spectroscopy. With an intense hands-on approach, they spent the week attending lectures and doing practical exercises on the instrument. In this way, they learned how to set up the spectrometer, how to ensure it’s properly calibrated and how to get good quality spectrums from their samples.

Additionally, they were taught how to process those spectrums and use them for the identification of microplastic polymers present in their environmental samples.

This training enabled our researchers the knowledge to independently use this technique for a comprehensive microplastic analysis which would greatly improve their work. Apart from learning a new technical skill, they also had a chance to exchange ideas and make plans for possible future joint research projects.