Non-Research Training at the Alfred Wegener Institute, Helgoland

Within the WP 3, in the period from 09-13th October 2023, Educons University staff members completed their non-research training at the AWI (Alfred Wegener Institute) on Helgoland. The training was organised for capacity building of Educons University, with focus on technology and knowledge transfer and project management.  The training participants from Educons University were PhD Andrea Andrejević Panić, Vice-Rector for Science and International Cooperation, PhD Jelena Ješić, Center for Innovation Activities and Jovana Kisin, Coordinator for Erasmus+ Projects.

During this one-week training, Educons University staff members attended several presentations with different topics. One-day training was for establishing a Technology Transfer Hub (TTH). Two-day training was for building Educons University capacities for Project Incubator Hub (PIH). All trainings were held by staff from AWI Transfer Technology Office and AWI Department for Research Support (Project management and funding office) located in Bremerhaven, Germany. During training, staff of Educons University visited microplastics analysis laboratory in AWI Haus C, had presentation of BAH (Biology institute Helgoland), and presentation and visit to the NF-POGO Center of excellence at AWI Haus A. Participants presented research and cooperation capacities of Educons University to colleagues from AWI, and discussed the possibilities of further research cooperation, as well as the possibility of joint application of new projects. During the stay, AWI and Educons University staff had several informal meetings and discussions, joined dinners, and dune visit.