As part of the Horizon Europe project GREENLand – Twinning Microplastic-free Environment, financed by the European Union, on September 28 and 29, 2023, a Sindag summer school was held for the employees of Educons University. Adizes Southeast Europe (ASEE) consulting company was engaged for the summer school, in front of which Dr. Zvezdan Horvat, the professional director of the Adizes Worldwide Institute, led the summer school. The event was organized with the aim of strengthening the management capacities of the Educons University. Working together through a structured procedure, the organizational challenges of the growth of Educons University were identified, the points of potential improvement were defined, as well as finding the best way to achieve them. Also, the goals included the education of employees in the field of organizational planning, leading work teams, making business decisions, as well as mastering the necessary managerial tools.