Training on capacity building of EDUCONS University – Repository of EDucons UNiversity REDUN

As part of the Horizon Europe project GREENLand – Twinning Microplastic-free Environment, financed by the European Union, under grant agreement number 101079267, on June 8, 2023. the second training was held for the use of the new institutional repository of Educons University – REDUN.

REDUN is a part of the activities and objectives of the work package 2 of the GREENLand project, which are carried out to create an efficient workflow and strengthen the capacity of Educons University in the field of digitization and open science.

The online training was held by Milana Todoreskov, the librarian of the Educons University, where she presented the REDUN repository to the employees and gave all the necessary instructions to the employees on how to register, how to create their meta data, deposit references and projects. The workshop lasted 2 hours and consisted of three segments: in the first part, general information about the repository and the context in which it was created was given, in the second part, the User Guide was presented, and in the third part, the depositing of scientific results was demonstrated. The training is recorded and available to the employees of Educons University on Google Drive together with the instructions for use.