Research Visit to Alfred Wegener Institute

A two-week intensive course in microplastic analysis was held at the Alfred Wegener Institute in Helgoland (AWI) from June 10th to June 22nd, 2024. It was attended by researchers from Educons University, including Asst. Prof. dr Vesna Vasić, Asst. Prof. dr Zorana Srećkov, and Asst. Galina Čurčić.

Learning from the GREENLand project colleagues, they spent a week on thorough instrumental analysis courses which included ATR, Raman and FTIR spectroscopy methods.

Furthermore, the researchers spent the second part of the visit going through all the details of step-by-step microplastic extraction from sediment samples.

This experience allowed them to discuss implementations of these methods in Educons laboratories and ways to ensure the greater quality of their analyses.