At clustering event organized by BIOEAST HUB, project GREENland became a member of the Fresh Water Net . Pitch presentation of the GREENLand project was given by Dr. Gordana Racić, where she highlighted the work in the field of microplastics, and based on the discussion, colleagues praised the cooperation with governmental and non-governmental institutions and pointed out that we have examples of good practice that everyone lacks.
The main objectives of the Fresh Water Net is to support dialogue between policy makers and experts, to explore innovative solutions for freshwater ecosystems and to engage and empower citizens. Also, it will pose as connection among projects dealing with fresh water-based bioeconomy, protecting and restoring ecosystems, prevention and elimination of the pollution, carbon-neutral, circular economy etc.
The event connected freshwater related projects and build bridges between different funds: Horizon Europe, Life, InterREG, different experts in the freshwater related topics. It also aimed to enhance common efforts whilst engaging stakeholders, shared experience, and challenges in the replicability of project results and join forces in the open calls. The event was targeted towards project coordinators and teams developing international projects financed by the Danube Lighthouse of the EU Water Mission, by the Water4All partnership, INTERREG Danube and national programmer and organisations from the BIOEAST macro‐region to support their involvement in the international collaboration.