GREENLand capacity building of Educons University: GWS Google Classroom

As part of Horizon Europe project GREENLand – Twinning Microplastic-free Environment, which is financed by the European Union, on September 27, 2023, online training on how to use Google Classroom was organized for  Educons University staff. The training is part of the project’s work package 3 activities, which are carried out with the aim of strengthening the capacity of Educons University.

At the training, the Google Classroom platform was presented, including its most important functions, who can use it, methods and advantages of using it, primarily in the context of facilitating work with students or participants. In the second part of the session, a practical presentation of its functions was demonstrated. The training ended with a Q&A session. The one-hour training was facilitated by Jovan Plećaš. The training video and presentation are available to Educons University staff on Google Classroom.